Featured Publications

“First Steps: Determining the Feasibility of Your Grant Idea” published by the National Information Standards Organization

Composing Creative Collaborations throughout the Libraries” published by the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Source Magazine

Online Supplement to Interview with Bess de Farber” published by University of Florida Library Press

“Creating Fundable Grant Proposals” published by the American Library Association

Assessing the Effectiveness of Collaboration Workshops in an Academic Library: A Mixed Methods Approach

Book chapter: Academic Libraries in the Academy: Strategies and Approaches to Demonstrate Your Value, Impact, and Return on Investment published by the Association of College and Research Libraries

Audio Resource

Collaborative Grantseeking Strategies Interview

We discuss how nonprofits can better collaborate and build a grant-seeking culture. Bess offers insight into writing successful grant proposals and explains how asset mapping/diversity, checklist maintenance, facilitating difficult situations, and internal training will give your grant seeking efforts the edge they need!

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