Denied! Why 90% of Grant Applications Don’t Get Funded

Accessing more than 30 years of combined grantseeeking and grantmaking experiences, this workshop reveals the hidden barriers to successfully navigating the grant application process. Grant proposals are declined for a variety of reasons, even though these projects have great merit. This unfortunate event can happen often, and it can be devastating to project teams who have invested many hours pursuing an award for worthy causes. It can often be most helpful to learn where we may misjudge, omit, miscalculate, or ignore small details to own detriment. Join us to learn the factors that cause this to happen so you can anticipate these surprising pitfalls.

The workshop will cover topics related to:

1. Common mistakes made in assessing whether a project and its budget are a good match for a particular funding opportunity; 
2. How proposals are evaluated by reviewers and understanding the identities of reviewers; and
3. Where application content can easily go wrong when it comes to specific application materials like narratives, letters, appendixes, and more.

Learn the pitfalls you can avoid, giving your applications a more competitive chance of being awarded.


1. Knowledge of common mistakes made at every stage of the grantseeking process;
2. Greater understanding of reviewer protocols, comments, and viewpoints, and what can happen during the review process; and,
3. Learning about the most common mistakes made by applicants

(1.5 hours)

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